Use tab to cycle through Visual Studio Code completion
Sometimes, instead of using NeoVim, I do like to use Visual Studio Code (with Vim keybindings).
Visual Studio Code is a great editor with amazing Intellisense and debugging capabilities (for Python as well). There is however one thing that I could not swallow: the tab behavior when a completion was suggested.
With (Neo)Vim shift+tab
and tab
respectively cycle up and down the completion list.
I wanted to have the same experience in Visual Studio Code. After some Googling a lot of trial and
errors, this is what I came up with (it works pretty nicely! You can paste the text below in the
file that is opened after you click on File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
"key": "tab",
"command": "selectNextQuickFix",
"when": "editorFocus && quickFixWidgetVisible"
"key": "shift+tab",
"command": "selectPrevQuickFix",
"when": "editorFocus && quickFixWidgetVisible"
"key": "tab",
"command": "selectNextSuggestion",
"when": "editorTextFocus && suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && suggestWidgetVisible"
"key": "shift+tab",
"command": "selectPrevSuggestion",
"when": "editorTextFocus && suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && suggestWidgetVisible"
The commands should be pretty self-explanatory! To accept the suggestion, you can use enter
(that’s the default together with tab