Use the Grammarly language server with helix
Lately, I’ve been playing around with helix, a relatively new modal editor.
One of the things I was missing was an LSP for Grammarly (the only reason I can put the commas where they belong).
After struggling a bit with the configuration, I’ve finally found what works
name = "markdown"
auto-format = false
file-types = [ "markdown", "md", "mdown", "txt" ]
language-servers = [ "grammarly" ]
command = "grammarly-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
config = { clientId = "client_BaDkMgx4X19X9UxxYRCXZo"}
Note that:
- You need to install the Grammarly language server before.
is not a secret and is the same for all installations.