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Explainable AI and fraud

Algorithms can have serious consequences on the lives of people around you.

The Dutch tax office used the second nationality as a feature in their model — to find possible fraudulent behavior in their allowances scheme.

There were two problems with their approach:

Is this problematic?

Yes, it is! If you don’t know why someone is flagged, then you will be looking into everything trying to find something is wrong. And sometimes that something is a technicality such as forgetting to sign a form — a far cry from committing fraud!

So how do you do it right?

A couple of years ago, I was called by a bank that had a high-performing machine learning model (an isolation forest) to flag correspondent banking transactions that were suspicious.

The problem is that isolation forests are not very explainable, you don’t know why they flag something.

However, the bank found it unacceptable for the model to just report a transaction to an analyst.

The analyst would have engaged in the same behavior the Dutch office engaged in: find anything that was not 100% kosher. Of course, if you’re not 100% within the lines, it doesn’t mean you’re committing fraud. It can be as silly as forgetting to sign a form.

What I did back then was to develop a geometric model that would explain why the isolation forest model was flagging transactions.

Please do the same with models that can have nefarious effects. I don’t care if you’re wrong about my taste in fashion when I browse Amazon.

I very much care if my life gets destroyed though!

Posted on 26 Apr 2022

Disable Bluetooth on Mac before Sleep

The recent Monterey update (12.2), introduced a bug that drains the battery of my laptop while sleeping.

A fix is to disable bluetooth before putting it to sleep, but who remembers that?

Luckily, I use Launchbar to put the Mac to sleep: it has a very convenient Sleep action.

I then copied and updated the action to have it turn off bluetooth before sleeping.

How can you do the same?

First, install Homebrew.

Then, activate Launchbar (⌘ Space on my Mac), and then launch its index (⌥ ⌘ I).

In the general section on the left, click on Action. From there, use the search bar to find the Sleep action, disable its checkbox, right-click, and select Show in Action Editor.

Then right-click the Sleep action and duplicate it.

Once you have duplicated, rename it to Sleep BT (or whatever), click on Scripts, and click on Edit.

Replace the content of the script with

-- Sleep
-- LaunchBar Action
-- default.scpt
-- Version 3
-- Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Objective Development

tell application "LaunchBar" to hide
delay 0.5
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/ blueutil -p 0"
tell application "System Events" to sleep

The only new line is the one but last, do shell script "/usr/local/bin/ blueutil -p 0".

Save it, and you’re done!

Remember though: every time you wake the Mac up from sleep, you need to reactivate bluetooth!

Posted on 11 Feb 2022

1Password Series C

My password-manager of choice, 1Password, doesn’t care about the consumer market anymore.

Read their Series C announcement.

You might read of yet another unicorn raising money.

But I read about a company that deeply cared about its (Mac) users and that now sees the future in B2B services.

I don’t fault them.

1Password has been profitable from the start — contrary to many others. It did so by building a delightful product (I have been a user since Christmas 2008).

But even though they had a lucrative life-style business, there is way more money in the B2B market. So they took that route and are not looking back.

A single company — where you could easily have 1000 employees — earns them 8$ per employee a month (8000$/month). That’s equal to 1600 1Password family plans. A feature winning them a family is worth nothing. A feature winning them a company? Easily $100k per year!

And that future is already here.

1Password 8 is subscription only, while v7 had a fixed-price version. Why? This is how enterprise buys software nowadays.

1Password 7 was a native Mac app. 1Password 8 is an Electron app. They can pull it off as business users already have all sorts of crap on their machine. Electron is one of the good ones there.

In the future, more might come and I wish this wasn’t the case. 1Password is the app I couldn’t live without.

Posted on 20 Jan 2022

Install tkinter on macOS

If you work with Python on macOS and are trying to let your kids play with things like turtle you will encounter errors such as

>>> import turtle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.4/lib/python3.7/", line 107, in <module>
    import tkinter as TK
  File "~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.4/lib/python3.7/tkinter/", line 36, in <module>
    import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter'

If you use pyenv and brew there’s a simple way to fix it:

brew install tcl-tk
brew install pyenv  # skip if you already have pyenv installed
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/bin:$PATH"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/include"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib/pkgconfig"
export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-tcltk-includes='-I$(brew --prefix tcl-tk)/include' \
                              --with-tcltk-libs='-L$(brew --prefix tcl-tk)/lib -ltcl8.6 -ltk8.6'"
pyenv uninstall 3.8.2  # substitute here the version you're using or skip if you were not using pyenv
pyenv install $(pyenv install --list | grep -v - | grep -v b | tail -1)

After you’re done, you can now turtle along:

>>> from turtle import *
>>> color('yellow', 'blue')
>>> begin_fill()
>>> while True:
        if abs(pos()) < 1:
>>> end_fill()
>>> done()

a turtle

Posted on 11 May 2020

Recruiters: recruit!

Since having changed my main business title on LinkedIn away from Shoe Designer, I got my good share of recruiters contacting me whether I’d be interested in the best data scientists and engineers I’ve ever encountered.

At GoDataDriven we’re always hiring so my standard answer was — initially — “Yes of course, send the profile over”.

However what happened next was always more or less the following:

This means that every time a single recruiter would send me 20 CVs, I would lose 4-5 hours, scattered among multiple days. If I include a generous context-switching time lost of 2-3 hours, that meant that every recruiter interaction meant a whole day would be wasted.

I should add to this the frustration of not winning: I did not hire a single person in months. And it wasn’t for lack of clarity on my part. I onboarded each recruiter with a 30’ call explaining in details what kind of colleagues we were looking for.

Certainly something had to change. I introduced a recruiter “policy”. The policy was very simple and I would send it as soon as someone contacted me:

  • You can send a maximum of 4 CVs, all at the same time;
  • If we don’t hire anyone from this first batch, we terminate our relationship.

My inspiration was something that I believe Atlassian published1. I loved this policy because it shifted most of the work from my back to the recruiters’ back2.

The full day of work was reduced to 2 hours in total3 — if I didn’t hire anyone: otherwise they could send me all the CVs they wanted.

Most interestingly, lots of recruiters stopped before sending me a single CV: a strong indicator that they didn’t want to do their job and rather wanted to continue their volume game with some other fool.

How many recruiter agency did we end up working with? Just one, comprised of a single person. We love him, and kept using his service until we hired our first internal recruiter.

So next time you think you’re overwhelmed by the amount of CVs recruiters send your way, try shifting the work

  1. I cannot find the page anymore, so I am not 100% sure anymore that it was Atlassian. ↩︎

  2. You’d expect this to be obvious, but believe me it’s not. ↩︎

  3. 30’ recruiter onboarding, 20’ CV scanning (as they were of higher quality), 45’ to talk to usually a single person, and some 30’ of overhead. ↩︎

Posted on 18 Jul 2019

Google can be creepy

On Wednesday July the 10th, the Dutch website NOS broke the news that people employed by or through Google, listen to thousands of conversations Dutch people are holding in the proximity of Google Home devices (that’s the reason I keep the microphone of my Sonos turned off).

In our company Slack, I reacted stealing John Gruber’s words about a very different topic:

Get me to the fainting couch. What a shocker.

Posted on 12 Jul 2019

Africa writer

I love the job ad for the new Africa writer for the the Economist.

They don’t care if you’re a journalist, what’s your experience, background, skin color, etc.

They only care about:

original thinking, good analytical skills and, above all, good writing.


Posted on 07 Jul 2019

Causes of burnout

Today HBR published an article about some causes of burnout1. One struck a cord with me, and, as a physicist that went more into the managerial path, I’m sure I’m not the only one:

Workload […]: assess how well you’re doing in these key areas: planning your workload, prioritizing your work, delegating tasks, saying no, and letting go of perfectionism.

I think they’re all tightly coupled: if you’re good at planning, you must have prioritized properly by knowing what you can and cannot accomplish with your time, and if you have prioritized you must say no and you must have delegated tasks. If you’re good at planning, you also can’t be a perfectionist, because perfection is difficult to plan.

I struggle with three of them mostly: delegating tasks, letting go of perfection, and saying no.

Delegating tasks is hard because I can’t let go of perfection, and because I am usually not good at communicating the end result. And I am not good at communicating the end result because I delegate too little: if I were to delegate more, I would learn — from all the times it went wrong — what things are important to communicate.

Since I know that, I also know that the first times I delegate, the end result will not be what I want: again, I can’t let go of perfection.

Luckily I’m learning the hard way that I need to let go quickly in these key areas:

So, right before the summer, I tricked myself into start delegating. Two things helped me out:

So here I am now, with time in my hands to write this post :)

  1. Six according to the Areas of Worklife model, but I’m sure there’s more, depending who you ask. ↩︎

  2. Though this is frequently the case. ↩︎

Posted on 05 Jul 2019

Algorithms to drive engagement

Brent Simmons doesn’t mince words when he talks about algorithms to drive engagement, honed and “abused” by companies such as Facebook and Twitter:

My hypothesis: these algorithms — driven by the all-consuming need for engagement in order to sell ads — are part of what’s destroying western liberal democracy, and my app will not contribute to that.

Posted on 03 Jul 2019

Open-plan office

I forgot to link to this very good article from David. Having almost 6 kids, I am usually not bothered by noise outside my head, but by noise inside my head.

Noise inside my head comes mostly from not having a long or well defined task. These are the kind of tasks that tends to come in through Slack1.

To fix it I offload most of these tasks — before they reach me — to people who are better at handling them.

Companies that are business-savvy about the hidden costs of interruptions should know that they should be penny foolish and pound wise on this one.

  1. Instant messaging in general: I have nothing against the company besides creating a Mac application that loves to eat all my resources and that doesn’t feel Mac-like. ↩︎

Posted on 02 Jul 2019