2024/09/05 → Who will speak up for free speech
2024/09/03 → Binepad BNK8 Macropad
2024/06/30 → Trust local caddy certificates on macOS
2024/06/07 → A culture of brutal honesty
2024/04/05 → Docker_isbg
2024/03/26 → Start using ddclient
2024/03/15 → Bitten by timezones and Docker
2024/03/14 → Automatically add images for Open Graph in Hugo
2024/02/23 → Men Children
2024/02/15 → Public Appearances
2024/02/09 → China's Economy
2024/02/06 → Decode your URLs
2024/01/09 → Mark Apple Music song as favorite in the background
2023/12/13 → American universities face a reckoning over academic freedom
2023/11/23 → Use the Grammarly language server with helix
2023/11/08 → The threat from the illiberal left
2023/10/27 → watchOS 10 weather complication woes
2023/08/02 → Business Books vs Home Life Books
2023/01/19 → Professional Business Writing by the Economist.
2023/01/17 → Discipline is perceived as safety by children
2023/01/09 → Fish 3.6.0
2023/01/04 → Nietzsche and the Nazis
2023/01/01 → Power structures are not a human-only prerogative
2022/10/11 → Easy to use macOS disk cleanup tools
2022/09/29 → New Airpods
2022/09/22 → OpenAI Whisper
2022/09/14 → Configure Caddy v2 to reverse proxy the Unifi Controller
2022/08/31 → Get URL of selected Mailmate messages
2022/08/04 → Change macOS computer name
2022/05/01 → Test your Machine Learning models in production
2022/04/26 → Explainable AI and fraud
2022/02/11 → Disable Bluetooth on Mac before Sleep
2022/01/20 → 1Password Series C
2020/05/11 → Install tkinter on macOS
2019/07/18 → Recruiters: recruit!
2019/07/12 → Google can be creepy
2019/07/07 → Africa writer
2019/07/05 → Causes of burnout
2019/07/03 → Algorithms to drive engagement
2019/07/02 → Open-plan office
2019/06/30 → Netlified
2019/06/28 → Get started with miniflux
2018/06/21 → Git patch workflow
2017/11/03 → A biased view of the whole Mac vs PC discussion
2017/08/08 → Unread for iOS got acquired by an awesome developer!
2017/02/25 → No system holding your private information is failing
2016/10/13 → Use tab to cycle through Visual Studio Code completion
2016/08/10 → Make jupyter notebook work in WSL
2015/12/03 → Hugola
2015/07/27 → A functional count in Python
2015/06/24 → Normal mode in Vim
2014/11/24 → Bij Brons in Almere
2014/11/22 → My @NoSQLmatters Barcelona talk
2014/11/06 → Elia
2014/09/30 → My NoSQL matters Dublin talk
2014/07/26 → My PyData Berlin talk, now with video.
2014/07/26 → Web Excursions for July 26, 2014
2014/07/08 → Maciej at Beyond Tellerand
2014/06/04 → Pydata Berlin 2014
2014/05/02 → Xebicon 2014
2014/04/23 → The basis of all Haskell love-hate relationships
2014/04/18 → Web Excursions for April 18, 2014
2014/04/17 → Gone Microsoft
2014/04/01 → Web Excursions for April 01, 2014
2014/03/27 → Web Excursion for March, 27nd
2014/03/22 → Web Excursion for March, 22nd
2014/03/20 → Github Pull Request Triage
2014/03/12 → Bootstrappified
2014/03/05 → A handful of GoDataDriven posts
2014/02/17 → App.net Comments Widget
2014/01/22 → This is my professional advise (!)
2014/01/17 → Long time, no signs
2012/05/30 → Export to BibTeX from Papers (2)
2011/09/30 → Dutch Doctors
2011/09/30 → Stop reading HN, start reading HN newsletter
2011/08/09 → The backup plan
2011/07/12 → Marked
2011/05/05 → What would you buy first?
2011/04/16 → Tweetbot
2011/04/08 → Growl.log and Perl
2011/03/30 → Evan Williams leaves Twitter
2011/03/28 → Encrypted backups with Time Machine
2011/03/24 → Developing an addiction to coffee…
2011/03/21 → DickBar
2011/03/15 → PCs
2011/03/08 → Papers and the Mac App Store
2011/02/08 → AOL buys the Huffington Post
2011/01/25 → On the iPad 2
2010/12/20 → LaTeX style tips
2010/11/22 → Illustrator and psfrag
2010/11/03 → Art
2010/10/14 → Convert a searchable pdf in djvu
2010/10/07 → Start Your Presentation With PUNCH
2010/09/28 → How I write an article
2010/08/18 → Lessons from the Japanese bath
2010/07/23 → 7 lessons from the Japanese forest
2010/04/22 → Write it right part II
2010/04/19 → Write it Right, part I
2010/03/02 → Radio interview with Jos Baijens and the real Dutch spirit
2010/02/25 → Speaking of emails
2010/02/03 → Background color with Skim
2009/08/24 → Add Copy as PDF Shortcut in Mathematica
2009/07/30 → Web of Science, Papers and Leiden University
2009/07/28 → X11 and System Fonts in Mac Os X